The Club operates and maintains some 168 wet berthing facilities for Members. Berthing at the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria for visitors is very limited; however, every effort is made to accommodate members from kindred clubs and their guests.
View the Visitor Berthing Information for further information and fill out the form below to let us know you’re on your way.
Overnight berthing is free for the first night then $4.00 per metre per night.
Sign in
When you arrive, please sign into our guest book to comply with our licensing laws. We look forward to welcoming you soon.
Eastern Floating Pontoon
The floating pontoon on the eastern side is meant for short stay, loading and unloading after events, and for those using the Eastern Blue Crane. It is not meant for long stay.
If boats are left there unattended, yard staff will relocate them back to their pens. This is a matter of having respect for other Members. Police vessels also use this facility.