RYA Australian Yacht Training Program was formed in 2008 when Australian Sailing and RYA formed a partnership for the delivery of the RYA Cruising Scheme in Australia. The program provides internationally recognised practical on-water qualifications from “Competent Crew” through to “Yachtmaster Offshore” as well as the complementary shore based theory courses.
Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory
The Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory course is more advanced training for more experienced skippers, building on the Day Skipper course.
This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages. It allows some time for revision of the basics and then moves on to advanced navigation techniques. The course will take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams, concentrating on advanced navigation and meteorology skills. It also equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages. There will be some revision of the basics before moving on to more advanced navigation techniques.
As with the Day Skipper shore-based course, the specially designed chart plotter software will be used to give you a realistic taste of modern electronic navigation. The course will be related to Southern Hemisphere navigation resources and materials.
The course is runs over 40 hours with 3 exam papers.
What you’ll learn:
- Position fixing
- Course shaping and plotting
- Tidal knowledge
- Use of almanacs and admiralty publications
- Electronic position finding equipment
- Taking and interpreting forecasts
- Plotting weather systems
- Weather predictions using a barometer and by observation
- Collision regulations
- Customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad
Duration: The course is runs over 40 hours with 3 exam papers
Cost and Dates: TBC
Coastal Navigation Course (not RYA course)
The Coastal Navigation Course offers a great introduction to navigation and safety awareness for new or inexperienced skippers and crew, as well as those wanting to refresh their skills. In fact this course is for anyone who is interested in sailing, motor boating, sea angling or diving. The course works well in complementing our on-water training such as the Powerboat Level 2, Start Yachting and Helmsman courses. It’s a highly informative course with lots of opportunities for you to put your new found knowledge into practice.
What you’ll learn
At the end of this course you will have a basic understanding of:
- The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
- Chart symbols, distance measurement, bearings, position & speed
- Tidal heights and streams
- Visual aids to navigation, buoyage, lights.
- Compass heading, variation and deviation.
- Chart plotting techniques.
- Electronic aids to navigation,
- Pilotage, and passage planning
Duration: 1 Full day and 4 Evenings
Cost: $380
Dates: TBC
Royal Yachting Association (RYA) courses are offered at our Club through Yacht Training Victoria.