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We’ve answered some of our frequently asked question below, but if you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone on (03) 9397 1277 or by email at

Why is membership important?

The success of Royals relies on our membership, as it is our purpose to provide facilities, services and activities for their benefit. Membership is crucial for the financial and general sustainability of the Club. There are plenty of benefits of being a Member, which you can read more about on our ‘Member Benefits’ page.

I don’t sail but I would like to use your clubhouse facilities – what membership category suits me?

If you’re not interested in becoming a Member to sail, you can apply to join as a Social Member which grants you full membership access to our Clubhouse facilities. Please note that Social Members DO NOT have access to the car park and will not be able to vote at general meetings.

Can Social Members go sailing?

Social Members can now sail during our Twilight Series on Wednesday evenings which generally begins in October and goes through to March. In addition to Twilight sailing, Social Members can also participate in other nominated Club sailing activities.

How do I become a Member?

You’ll need to apply to become a Member at Royals by completing an application form and asking two existing Members to sign a nomination form (not applicable for Juniors or Social). Both forms can be found online or at the office. Your application will be considered by our Membership Committee. After adequate notice to our membership and approval from the General Committee is granted, you will become a fully fledged Member of RYCV. You can read more on this process at ‘Become A Member’.

What do I do if I don’t know an existing Member who can nominate me?

There’s nothing to worry about if you don’t know any existing Members, just contact the office on (03) 9397 1277. You can arrange to visit the Club when the bar and dining room are open and one of our Members will be more than happy to show you around and make introductions.

How long does the membership application process take?

The membership process takes approximately one month from submitting your application. Each application is reviewed at the once-monthly Membership Committee meeting, before being advertised to the membership and receiving final approval by our General Committee.

Can I utilise the Club while my membership application is being processed?

Yes you are welcome to use the Club. However, you will need to sign in as a visitor in the book which is just by the bar door entrance.

Who should I contact if I have any questions about the membership application process?

If you have any questions about the membership application process, please contact the office on (03) 9397 1277 or visit in person at 120 Nelson Place, Williamstown during office hours.

If you visit the Club outside of office hours, our Members may be able to assist you with general inquiries.

Any questions or feedback about the application process itself can be directed to the Membership Sub-Committee, who are always open to feedback about the application process.

As a Member, can I invite guests to the Club?

Yes, your guests are welcome as long as they are signed in by a Member in the visitor book near the front entrance. There are limitations to the number of times the same guest can visit before applying to become a Member.

What are the implications if I use the Club regularly and don’t become a Member?

If you become a regular user of the Club and its services or facilities and have not subscribed to membership, you would be breaching the Club rules and by-laws. This can have further implications on our land lease conditions and liquor licence, leading to potential fines, penalties and in extreme cases, loss of licence. It is also crucial that the Club can report on who is on site or on the water in case of an emergency. Lastly, it is important to remember that regular visitors who do not become Members are unfairly relying on those who are Members to cover the operational costs of running the Club.

My child is a Member, can I be at the Club with them?

Royals encourages family involvement in our junior sailing programs. You are welcome to attend the Club with your child however you will not be able to sign other guests in.

Is it possible to do a trial before applying for full membership?

Visitors are welcome at Royals clubhouse if they are signed in by a Member. This ensures that we are covering our requirements for our liquor licence and allows you full use of our clubhouse facilities. To try sailing you can obtain a Day Pass from our office, which will allow you to take part in up to six racing days.

Is there a limit to the number of Members at RYCV?

Membership at RYCV is not capped, and all non-members are always welcome to apply. However only 49% of our membership base can be Social Members so there is a limit to the number of social memberships we can allow.