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The Royal Yacht Club of Victoria takes its obligations to Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) very seriously. The OH&S policy is available on our website. If you would like any further information, please contact our Waterfront Manager on (03) 9397 1277.

Yard Access RVCV Health and Safety Policy

All staff and Members are required to operate safely in the yard and hardstand areas, which are classified as hazardous working areas. All staff, owners and visitors must be authorised to enter the yard, and must wear high visibility clothing on the western hardstand. This area has a forklift and travel lift operating on a daily basis during the week, and our drivers must be able to see everyone in the area.

Members and guests are asked not to enter the main yard during working hours. Temporary fencing is currently in place around the hardstand work areas, which will become permanent in the near future.

Traffic Management

A Traffic Management Plan is currently in place at the Club, requiring that no vehicles are parked anywhere except the members car park.

If you require temporary access beyond the gated area for loading or unloading purposes, permission must be granted by the Operations Director (or delegated officer), Flag Officer or Officer of the Day.


Members are responsible for ensuring that the equipment belonging to them which they use to access their boat are safe and that it complies with normal safety standards.

Read the information provided on ladders in the below links, print the checklist and check your ladder. Privately owned ladders failing to conform are not acceptable for use at the Club.

Download: Worksafe Prevention of Falls

Incident Report Investigation Form

Should you wish to report an incident or “near miss” to the Club, in addition to contacting any of the Club’s staff, you may wish to submit an Incident Report Investigation Form.