The Royal Yacht Club of Victoria is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on the financial support and good will of our partners, sponsors and Members to continue functioning the way we do, ensuring the future of our Club and the sport.
The Club has a number of funds which are used in a variety of ways from sail training and development to making upgrades around the clubhouse, yard and marina.
Donations are handled through the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) so you can be sure that your generous contribution is going to a good cause. Donations made through the ASF are eligible for a tax deduction at the end of the financial year.
Be a part of RYCV’s future by donating towards the replacement of the race tower. The new race tower is slightly elevated to improve vision over the race course while also allowing access to the adjacent vessels mooring lines and springs for maintenance. The location is approx. 10m to the east of the existing structure and will be mounted on piles that are in good condition.
Donate to Race Tower Replacement
ASF Sail Training Fund
The Sail Training Fund has been set up to help facilitate sail training projects in the areas of equipment purchase for sail training and coaching. It is also used to assist in the cost of running sail training programs including instructors, hire of vessels, equipment, trophies and certificates. The Club sees this as an important fund as it allows us to continue to develop our sport within the community, ensuring its success in the future.
ASF Junior OTB Fleet
Help us repair and conduct necessary maintenance on two of our Club cadet boats, so that graduating tackers kids can move up and continue their sailing journey in the more challenging cadet class. It will also go towards offsetting some of the cost associated with transporting seven (or more) boats to Tasmania for the Nationals at the end of the year.
ASF Yachting Development Fund
This fund assists Members with travel costs when they are representing the Club at national and international regattas. With such a long and proud history, RYCV values the dedication, skill and experience of our sailors.
Donate To Yachting Development Fund
ASF See Change Fund
The See Change Fund is used to help support projects around the Club which will improve its value for future generations. These projects include upgrades to the cadet shed, change rooms, training rooms, the marina and clubhouse. In the past, this has included the construction of our front gate and numerous other projects. Your support is welcomed by a minimum donation of $1,000.
Financial Life Membership
Willing donors are invited to be considered by the General Committee for Financial Life Membership of RYCV. Successful applications will be appropriately recognised for their contribution and gracious financial support of the Club. A strictly limited number of Financial Life Memberships at a cost of $25,000 will be issued.
A Royals bequest is a financial or other gift left in your Will to the Club. The Club sees your gift as a welcome way for you to make a positive and lasting difference beyond your lifetime. RYCV will impose a stringent financial accountability for all bequests to respect the wishes of the donor. In absence of your specific wishes, your bequest will be used to strengthen RYCV financial reserves through their addition to a Future Fund, kept separate from the general revenues of the Club. For further information please contact the Commodore or General Manager.