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VHF and HF Marine Radio Courses

Royals facilitates regular Marine Radio Courses throughout the year.  These sessions have both a theory and practical component.  You will get the opportunity for plenty of hands on experience with our radios.  You are legally required to have completed a Marine Radio Course and hold the required qualification in order to use a VHF or HF Marine radio unless it is an emergency.

We also offer Both Powerboat and Sail Training if you would like to put your new radio skills to use

Contact our Sail Training Development Manager, Ian Fox at on (03) 9397 1277 or at for further information.  Click on the course date to enrol.


This course teaches participants the correct procedures when using VHF Marine Radios and includes testing to obtain a SROCP from the Office of Maritime Communications.  This is the Internationally recognized qualification not the Australian waters only qualification. It is recognized around the world and can be used if a VHF qualification is required when chartering a yacht overseas.  There is both theory and practical components to this course and the assessment

What you’ll learn:

At the end of this course you will have an understanding of:

  • Use of VHF radio telephony
  • Understanding and use of DSC facilities
  • Maintenance of marine radio equipment
  • Understanding of regulations applicable to the use of ship marine radios
  • Knowledge of Australian Marine Search and Rescue system

Duration: One session of 4 hours

Cost: $230 per person for Members and $260 for Non Members which includes a hard copy of the Marine VHF Radio Operators Handbook and the examination fee to undertake the test to obtain your SROCP qualification.

Dates and bookings

Wed 16th April 2024 6pm – 10pm

Wed 10th July 2024 6pm – 10pm

Wed 11th Sept 2024 6pm – 10pm

Wed 13th Nov 2024 6pm – 10pm



This course teaches participants the correct procedures when using both VHF and HF Marine Radios and includes testing to obtain a LROCP from the Office of Maritime Communications. This is an Internationally recognized qualification, hence it is recognized around the world and can be used if a VHF/HF qualification is required when chartering a yacht overseas.

What you’ll learn:

At the end of this course you will have an understanding of:

  • GMDSS systems and equipment
  • Use of MF/HF and VHF radio telephony
  • Understanding and use of DSC facilities
  • Maintenance of marine radio equipment
  • Understanding of regulations applicable to the use of ship marine radios
  • Knowledge of Australian Marine Search and Rescue system

Duration: 3 sessions over 3 evenings

Cost: $310 for RYCV Members and $340 for Non Members, which includes a hard copy of the Marine Radio Operators Handbook and the examination fee to undertake ACMA test to obtain your LROCP qualification.

Dates: TBC